Two Wounded in Bellflower shooting
Earlier today there was an incident in the city of Bellflower involving two vehicles and a lot of gunfire according to authorities. There was two wounded men as a result of a car-to-car drive-by shooting in the city and both men are being treated in the local Hospital. The gunfire was reported to police around 12:30 p.m. in the 8700 block of Maple Street. The victims were both around the age of 19 years old and they both were sitting in the park when the incident occurred. The vehicle allegedly responsible for the drive-by shooting was described as a dark green or black Ford Explorer with tinted windows. The attack happened when the Explorer drove next to another vehicle with the two victims inside and opened fire according to authorities. One of the victims was struck in one of his arms and the police said that he was in good condition when he was taken to the hospital. The other victim was shot in the upper back and is being treated at the hospital, but is said to be in stable condition. The police still do not know whether the shooting is gang-related or just a random act. Police are still investigating the shooting and are still looking for the shooters. Police are asking for the public’s help in finding these men and if you have any information regarding this case and the people involved in the shooting please call the police as soon as possible and explain to them everything that you know. Without the public’s help, the police’s knowledge is limited, which makes it harder for them to find criminals who are in hiding or trying to evade the cops, so it is important to help by giving any information that you know and to help whenever you can.